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Daily Devotions

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May God bless you as you read this devotion.  Listen as God speaks to you in a still voice.

Our devotion today comes from Hebrews 9:27.  And as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this judgment.

Paul tells us that after we leave this life we are going to face another life called the judgment.

We are to give an account to God of how we lived our life.  God will answer us in one of two ways.  One way is Jesus will say depart from me for I never knew you.  The reason is because we were never born again.

The other way is God will say enter into the joys of the Lord.  This means we have repented, been filled with the Holy Spirit, taking up our cross, follow Jesus, and serve Him 100%.

Our prayer is Father, help us to know judgment day is coming soon.  We must keep our eyes upon the Eastern sky.  In your name above all others we pray.  Have a blessed and victorious week.

Rev. Richard Kight

Magee, MS






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