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It’s Mooie Looie Time Again!!!

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Following our very successful Mooie Looie outstanding yard, the next category is Best of the Best Business!

Nominate business which always keep their business clean, neat , and decorated!

Submit your pictures to  The winner will be announced sometimes in May.


Jim and Sharon Snider’s home won the Mooie Looie!

For the  ones of you who are not familiar with the Mooie Looie contest, let me explain!  “The Mooie Looie” is like the top dog, the best of the best, a step above…this time in a business. Mooie Looie presents a time to recognize beautiful places in Magee!

You may also post your nomination on FB page. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! is an online news website covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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