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Hyde-Smith: Additional $63.6 Million for Army Corps Work in MS

Cindy Hyde-Smith

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Additional Funding for 17 Projects Will Aid Community Wastewater Projects, Harbor Dredging, Flood Control Works


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss) today reported that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is directing an additional $63.6 million in FY2021 funding to Mississippi for work on 17 projects, including $9.2 million for pre-construction project planning and related activities, and to acquire mitigation lands for the new, recently approved Proposed Plan for the Yazoo Area Pump Project.


Hyde-Smith, who serves on the Senate appropriations subcommittee that funds the Army Corps, said the Army Corps FY2021 Work Plan outlines the projects receiving additional resources this year.


“I am very pleased with the Army Corps allocation of additional funding for projects in Mississippi that will benefit public health and safety, as well as our economy,” Hyde-Smith said.  “I am particularly pleased the Army Corps is dedicating $9.2 million for pre-construction planning and other activities on the New Proposal for the Yazoo Area Pump Project, which will advance the project into the next important phase of implementation.”


The survey and design funding comes on the heels of Friday’s Record of Decision (ROD) signing for the Yazoo Area Pump Project Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).  The ROD marked the formal end of the rigorous environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  It represents the Corps’ final decision to advance its new plan to reduce annual flood damages to urban and agricultural areas through a combination of structural and nonstructural features.


In addition to the Yazoo pumps funding, the FY2021 Work Plan will support flood control structures, two wastewater projects in DeSoto County, and two harbor dredging projects in Gulfport and Pascagoula.  It also provides $15.4 million to support a “new start,” to initiate and physically and fiscally complete construction of the Forrest Heights levee project as part of the Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program (MsCIP).


The FY2021 Work Plan will supplement Corps-specific funding included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 enacted in late December.  This law provided $74.1 million for 27 authorized flood control, navigation, and related projects and activities in Mississippi, including:  $22 million for operation, maintenance, and recreation at Mississippi flood control reservoirs (Arkabutla, Enid, Grenada, and Sardis Lakes); $30.6 million for operation, maintenance, and wildlife mitigation activities on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway; and $14.7 million for dredging operations at ports in Gulfport, Pascagoula, Biloxi, Vicksburg, Greenville and Rosedale.


DETAILS:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FY2021 Work Plan (Mississippi)


Total of additional $63.6 million for 17 Mississippi projects


Construction Account:  $21,800,000 total (new funding)


Operation & Maintenance Account:  $7,575,000 total


Mississippi River and Tributaries – Construction:  $29,141,000 total (new funding)


Mississippi River and Tributaries – Operation and Maintenance:  $5,090,000 total is an online news site covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.



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