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Hosemann Campaign Lists $2.74 Million Cash-on-Hand

Delbert Hosemann

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More Than $366,000 in Donations Garnered in 4 Months


Jackson, Miss.—Citizens, businesses, and other organizations across the State continue to show strong support for Republican Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s bid for Lieutenant Governor, donating more than $366,000 to his campaign in the first four months of the year.


As of April 30, 2019, Hosemann shows $2,742,238.73 cash-on-hand, according to a campaign finance report released today.


The report, detailing campaign finance activity from January 1 to April 30, 2019, showed more than 330 donors contributing $366,990.


“We continue to be encouraged by the support Mississippians have conveyed for our candidacy,” Hosemann said. “A strong economy, accessible healthcare, quality education system, and solid infrastructure—these are at the top of our priority list, and the message is resonating with citizens from Corinth to the Coast. Together, we can ensure a better future in Mississippi for our children and grandchildren.”


Hosemann announced his campaign for Lieutenant Governor in early January with a three-day, 10-stop tour to businesses in Brookhaven, Columbus, DeSoto County, Greenwood, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Rankin County, Tupelo, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Since then, Hosemann, members of his campaign staff, and volunteers have been on the road participating in forums, festivals, and other events across the State. 


As a steadfast conservative who spent most of his career as a businessman in the private sector, Hosemann’s platform touches several major areas centered on growing Mississippi’s economy. These include: refocusing on skills training and increasing the State’s educated workforce; reducing unnecessary regulations and streamlining state government; encouraging small business and start-up growth; shoring up aging infrastructure; and improving access to healthcare and health outcomes.


The Republican Primary Election for the Lieutenant Governor’s race is August 6.


For more information about the campaign, visit


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