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Happy Birthday, Dickey!!!

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December 13th is my oldest son Dickey’s birthday!  I can’t believe my children are growing up so fast!

Best wishes on your birthday!  I love and adore you and appreciate all you do for me, your family, and your friends.  Dickey is truly a people person and treasures his friendships!

We love you!

the Staff of, your family, and your friends!!!

Dickey with long time friend Scott Harris
Dickey, Breck, Connor, and Preston
2018 family picture
Dickey and Connor
An oldie!!! Larkin, Breck, and Dickey! my 3 boys!
My all time favorite picture of Dickey and Preston!
Another oldie: Larkin’s senior year at SCA, Dickey a student at MSU, and Breck a Junior at SCA


Thanksgiving 2019 Hudson, Lynda, Dickey, Preston, Sue, and Connor
Dickey and his 3 boys!
Dickey and Hudson
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