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Guest, Chaney, and McRae speak at Conservative Men’s Meeting

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Congressman Michael Guest, Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, and Treasurer Candidate David McRae all spoke at the Simpson County Conservative Men’s Meeting on Tuesday, May 28. David McRae was first to speak at the event and spoke about his platform for Treasurer. If elected, McRae plans to show Mississippians how their investments are being spent. Check out the interview below for more information on David McRae.

Congressman Guest spoke the recent accomplishments from his office to better the lives of everyday Mississippians. Guest, who is the freshman Representative for Mississippi’s 3rd Congressional District, encouraged anyone who is having issues with any federal department to be in contact with his office so they could assist you in any way.

The third and final speaker was Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney. While Commissioner Chaney spoke on the importance of his office, he also had some fun polling. All in attendance were given a remote that allowed them to cast their vote in a mock election. Pictured below is Sue Honea with her remote for voting.

The Conservative Men of Simpson County meet on the last Tuesday of every month and the event is open to the public. Come out and meet the candidates next month at the meeting!

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