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Good Morning to the last day of November!!!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward a small commission – at no extra cost to you.

If you planned to get something done in November, well, today is the last day to “geterdone.” I cannot believe December is knocking at the door…the most magical time of the year is only a day away. With the magic of December comes tough times for many…not enough food, no gifts for children, loneliness, stress…and the list goes on. We must all keep our eyes on the star and remember this is the month of celebration the birth of our Savior…we are blessed to live in a county that allows the freedom of celebration…thank you to our soldiers (active and retired)…for giving freedom.

“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice.” Sometimes it is hard to rejoice on Monday…the work week slams us in the face…children are heading back to school for the hard weeks of school projects and exams…keeping everyone happy and our lives balanced can almost be more than one can bare. Let’s make a deal…smile and do something for someone everyday of this month! We can reach out to others through a phone call, a note…sometimes just a smile. We never know what path someone is walking…let your December be a walk of giving to others!

Speaking of giving to others, we need new toys for the Christmas Shop at First Baptist Church of Magee! Saturday, December 5th is the day the doors will open to the needy. Help the youth of FBC fill the Family Life Center with items for those in need. Items may be left at the Family Life Center Monday-Friday. “Blessed are those who give.”

Continue to remember Joyce Walker and family in your prayers. Mrs. Jimmy Duckworth and Tommy Everett are patients at Swing bed at Magee General Hospital. Please pray for the Hodge family, Herring family, and Heriard family in the death of their love one. Pray for the Morrow family in Leake County whose son was killed in a one-car accident Saturday night…so many people are hurting.

It’s Cyber Monday!!! Yes, time to hit the computer to shop! One of the best deals on line today is from a company called “Canvas on Demand.” I have been a “customer” of this company for years. The company sells picture canvases. Ordering is easy. If you don’t know what to give someone, check out Canvas on Demand…and this is not a paid advertisement…just a proven gift idea for me.

Christmas Bazaar, bake sale, and silent auction at the Boswell Regional Center Training Center from 8-3…great gifts at reasonable prices today!!!

Have a wonderful day!

Sue the prez




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