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Good Morning to Black Friday!

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Many of you may be “out there” looking for the best bargain ever…not me!!! I’ll pray for ya’ll. I’m a small town and cyber shopper….can’t take those crowds…but I do think the adventure is one that has become a tradition for many! Enjoy

Our Thanksgiving Celebration was wonderful…nothing better than deer camp, wild children, a bunch of guns, and a table full of food! But, one of the best things about my Thanksgiving was seeing my FL grandsons! When they walked off that plane, the tears came. Really, sometimes I actually think one’s heart can burst. As I wrapped my arms around the boys, I thought of the people who didn’t have anyone to wrap their arms around or have anyone to wrap their arms around them. As with many holiday, numerous emotions are wrapped into a celebration. Feelings of joy and heartache often are all wrapped together making for some difficult hours. Prayers for everyone…with love always comes heartache…As I drove to camp Thursday, all of the sudden I could almost hear Larkin’s voice “see that deer in that field…oh stop!…no go!!!”…I was surprised at the clarity of his voice…but glad God let me hear my son’s voice clearly one more time…what a Thanksgiving gift.

Special performance by Spoken 4 @ Gum Springs Church on November 29th beginning at 5:30

No garbage pick up today!!! (Friday)

Please take time to read the story under Sports on Woodrow Hamilton an Ole Miss Rebel who attended school at Magee then graduated from Raleigh High School. I was blessed by the opportunity to obtain the information as well as the pictures (and there is a ton of pictures).

Christmas parades are next week! Tuesday is Mendenhall’s parade and Thursday is Magee’s parade…both began at 6.

The Christmas Tour of Homes sponsored by the Ollie Mayhall Baptist Young Women of the First Baptist Church is Sunday, December 6th from 2-4. Homes featured on the tour are: Lee and Beth Moore, Danny Moseley, and Bill and Linda Bennett. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the homes the day of the event or from Diane McPhail at Simpson County Medical Supply or I have some here at Money is for missions…hope to see lots of folks!

HELP! More items and money is needed for the Christmas Shop sponsored by the FBC youth of Magee. Toys, groceries, clothing, furniture, household items, paper products…everything is needed. If you do not have time to shop, just send money! The elves of the church will do your shopping for you!!! There is a video on the home page at the very bottom of the page featuring Brad VanCleave, youth minister, explaining the Christmas Store and what you can do…Giving to the “shop” is a great way to kick off the holiday ministry.

Have a great Friday…prayers for our people.

Oh, I forgot!!! It’s almost time to share your Christmas card with Sue!!! I love posting everyone’s Christmas card each year. Just email to or mail to (126 3rd Avenue NW Magee, MS 39111)

I don’t know about ya’ll, but my brain is in slow gear today!…I’ll probably add “stuff” all day!


Black Friday shoppers, Heather , Kasey, and Emily!



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