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Go Pink for Tink!!!

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Lauren Hayes and Special Ross-Walker visited me today to tell me about going pink for Aritrus “Tink” Robinson.  What a wonderful visit…and inspiring time.  These girls have a love for their friend that knows no boundary.


Anitrus was recently (September 22nd) diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer.  She has always given so much back to her community and beyond…these ladies…along with several others formed a committee to “take care of Tink.”


I cannot tell you how inspired I was after hearing Lauren and Special talk about their love for Anitrus.  The group planned events for every weekend in October with the 29th being the big event.


Beginning at 7 is a walk (registration fee for walk only is $25 and for boot camp and walk $30).  Activities are planned for the entire day…blood mobile will be there…health events…and the list goes on…fun and fellowship! (Registration for walk begins at 6 AM at the Magee Sportsplex).  All October 29th events will take place at the Magee Sportsplex.


Please take time to watch the video.  These girls are on fire for their friend!


Prayers and blessings on Anitrus Robinson.  Anitrus is pregnant with her third child…a boy due in February.


All money raised goes to Anitrus and her family…and the girls emphasized  ALL money goes to Tink!






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