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Georgia Man Sentenced to 27 Months in Prison for Transporting Illegal Aliens Across the Country

Federal Department of Justice FBI state of Mississippi

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Jackson, Miss. – Joe Jones, Jr., 24, of Georgia, was sentenced today by United States District Judge Tom S. Lee to 27 months in federal prison followed by two years of supervised release for transporting illegal aliens across the United States, announced U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst and Special Agent in Charge Jere T. Miles of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations in New Orleans.

In June of 2018, Jones was being paid to drive a minivan full of illegal aliens from Louisiana to Georgia. On his way through Mississippi, a Mississippi Highway Patrol Officer stopped the van and found 10 illegal aliens inside, four of whom were deported from the United States during the past few years.

U.S. Attorney Hurst commended the work of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Mississippi Highway Patrol in their investigation of this case.

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