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Garden Club

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Are you a Master Gardner or interested in forming a Garden Club?  If so, join the gang!

Christian Carrico is heading up a “I am Interested” group with the idea of possibly forming a Garden Club.

People in our area have expressed a need for a neater city and county…maybe a Garden Club is one way to reach this goal.

The talented people in our area bring a wealth of knowledge about gardening.

To my knowledge, Magee had two Garden Clubs in the past.  One club during the 50’s and 60’s (which my mother belonged to) and  another in the 80’s.

The 50/60 club had flower shows as well as classes!


Joy Foster Harris shared the above picture of a Garden Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Thelma Neely. Standing:  Mrs. Leila Langley, Mrs. Roma Dale Allen, Mrs. Thelma Neely and Mrs. Bobbie Foster (sitting) The picture was made November 1952

Les Jardinieres was the club in the 80’s.  I have the first cookbook the Les Jardinieres sold as a fundraiser for the Club.  Listed as members at that time:  Jean Allen, Madelyn Allen, Becky Baldwin, Joycelyn Blackwell, Nancy Brooks, Sally Buffington, Debbie Clyde, Willette Coward, Leland Earp, Dianne Garner, Allyn Graves, Linda Hand, Laurie Harris, Sue Honea, Barbara Kirkland, Janice Mathis, Sherrie McCall, Diane McPhail, Bobbie Pasco, Patti Person, Mary Pruitt, and Margaret Tedford.

Please contact Christian if you are interested in joining or discussing!  601-832-6711

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