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From my point of view:
The political town hall meeting was an eye opener! Every candidate spoke well and was “point on” with their questions. My “eyes” saw good. My “eyes” saw bad and, and my “eyes” saw questionable. The quote of the night, in my opinion was made by Matthew Hickman “Apparently, I am your ONLY candidate for Ward 2.” Matthew was the “lone” man on the stage. His opponents, incumbent Murray Keith and Scott Russell, did not show….. So all that free air time went to Matthew Hickman who handled the situation beautiful – as did Ward 3 Chris May (Incumbent Lane Steele did not show) and Ward 4 Dolores McDonald (Incumbent Patrick Brown did not attend). Although Ward 1 had three candidates on stage (Dr. Jasper Adcock, Whitney Baker, and Chris Lane) incumbent Eddie Lofton did not choose to participate.
The number one question repeatedly submitted to dealt with change to appoint a police chief rather than elect. The major comment was “taking our right to vote away.” Several citizens felt the decisions was made to remove Randy Crawford as chief making the appointed decision personal. Every Alderman candidate told how the people they visited on the campaign trail expressed their displeasure with the police chief situation. But, not one incumbent Alderman seeking reelection was willing to stand before the public at a town hall meeting and explain the reason these men voted for an appointed Chief. Do the incumbents feel their positions are safe and do not need to justify their actions?
If you are unsure of who to vote for please take time and check out the video. Several in attendance stated after the Town Hall Meeting they had helped them reached a decision for the best candidate for the job and knew who they would be voting for.