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“For You make me glad by Your deeds, O, Lord.

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By James David

The Scriptural passage selected for today is found in Psalm 92:4: “For You make me glad by Your deeds, O, Lord; I sing for joy at the works of Your hands.” The psalmist’s close walk with God is clearly evident in this verse. He surveys all that he sees of God’s creation and is made glad. He rejoices in the splendor of the universe and and sings praises to the Lord of all. We should do no less. Amen! Wordsworth, the poet, said that we should let Nature be our teacher.

The sign is a very special one to me. When I first saw it at 49 South, I knew I had to have it. Kindness, we realize, is so important in a world in desperate need of this precious commodity. Yes, we can be anything we want to be. Why not be kind? Dare to be different. Carefully chosen words spoken softly have such power to build up, diffuse, and encourage. We all should make it a point each day to be kind, gentle, and humble. My constant reminder to all is to share and spread the love, joy, and kindness with which God has imbued us and do it with a smile. Let’s consider how we wish our legacy to be. Do we want to be remembered as a crouch, a crank, given to much bitterness and negativity? I think not. Rather, let it be said of us that we were a kind person. Amen!

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