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Drive-In Church at Goodwater Sunday, March 29th

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You read this right!  Goodwater Church is hosing a “drive-in” service in the parking lot beginning at 10:30 AM. Tune your radio to 87.9 and you will hear the church service.

“Come as you are but stay in your car”

As Brother Jason said, “you will see waves and signs…no handshakes.”

So many of us are missing our times together in worshiping the Lord.  “It is important for people to gather together,” explained Brother Jason.

Here’s your opportunity to gather together for church Sunday!  Goodwater Baptist Church at 10:30 tune in to 87.9 to hear the service.  The service can only be heard on 87.9 if you are in the parking lot!  Facebook live will still be available of the service for the ones who are confined to their homes.

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