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Commissioner Gipson Invites the Public to Attend the Mississippi State Fair and Reminds Everyone to “Know Before You Go”

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STATE FAIRGROUNDS, Miss. – Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson and the Mississippi State Fairgrounds invites the public to experience new attractions at the 2022 Mississippi State Fair and reminds fairgoers of several items to “Know Before You Go.” The Mississippi State Fair takes place October 6-16 at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds.

Fairgoers can continue to expect the best of carnival rides and games, fair food, livestock shows and the Zerbini Family Circus. The Ag Expo featuring the Genuine MS® Store and the MSU Extension Service’s FARMtastic exhibit will be located inside of the Trade Mart. Returning to the Equine Center during the first weekend of the State Fair is the X-Treme Bull Riding Fall Nationals  taking place October 8 and the Tri State Rodeo taking place October 9. Tickets to the X-Treme Bull Riding Fall Nationals can be purchased at or the Coliseum Box Office.

The newest attraction, the Great American Wild West Show, will take place daily at 5:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m., with additional performances at 2:00 p.m. during the weekend.  The Wild West Show will be located in the Mississippi Frontier Village with the pig races, petting zoo, pony rides, train depot, rattlesnake show and other activities.

The Mississippi State Fair Talent Show is making a comeback at the 2022 State Fair. The Talent Show takes place Friday, October 7, and Saturday, October 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the Coliseum.  New this year is the 2022 Little Miss Mississippi State Fair beauty pageant taking place Sunday, October 9, at 9:00 a.m.

Five nationally recognized artists will perform on the Budweiser Main Stage: Scotty McCreery, David Lee Murphy, B.o.B., Midnight Star and Bobby Rush. Admission to the concerts is free with regular fair admission.  Local artists and bands will perform on the Main Stage throughout the duration of the Fair.

Commissioner Gipson would like to remind fairgoers of several things to “Know Before You Go.”

For additional information, please visit and follow the Mississippi State Fairgrounds on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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