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CMRLS News From the Director

Central MS Regional Library

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News from the Director
While Central Mississippi Regional Library System’s libraries’ doors were physically closed, our digital collection and social media presence were open 24/7. Free Wifi was always accessible at all twenty locations.
Since the day we closed our doors, the CMRLS Family has been working hard for you. The Board of Trustees and I have made every decision for the library, its librarians and our patrons with safety being the highest priority. As the Director, I have worked with my team to procure the necessary supplies to have librarians return to work safely.  Each librarian was provided with masks and access to disposable gloves. While I was creating our plan, all of our librarians were working from home, participating in professional webinars and reviewing current library reference services. Curbside Services is only Phase Three of Seven total phases.
I want our valued CMRLS patrons to know that we will eventually be open for patrons to physically visit us again. We do not have a date but we do have a goal to be open again. During this time, we ask that our patrons be patient with us and know that we will take care of them the best way we can. During this Curbside Services Only phase libraries will not be hosting any in-person programming. We are working on Virtual programs. Of note, we will be hosting a completely virtual summer library program for all ages which will start June 15. More information will come soon.
Mara Polk
CMRLS Director
Your CMRLS Digital Library is available to you 24-7-365.
Download eBooks and eAudioBooks from Axis360Freading, and Tumblebooks.
Axis360 has eBooks and eAudios to download; Freading has eBooks
(and comics!) for all ages; and Tumblebooks has eBooks and eAudios
for children and teens…and a separate section just for romance books! Check them out!
Do you like music?
FREE music? Of course!
Click here for unlimited streaming of your choice of music on Freegal Music and download 5 MP3s each week that you can keep!
Digital magazines? Yes, we have those also! Try Flipster or the  RBDigital apps for a great selection of popular magazines. Read online or download and take anywhere.
Use your CMRLS library card to access these and more!
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