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When out and about today (Wednesday, June 23, 2021), I checked on an area a citizen had contacted me about.
The person said, “check out the mess behind the Car Wash near Jose’s.” Patrice and I loaded up having no idea what we would find. Well, what we found was one of the biggest messes I have seen around a business in a long time. Trash was everywhere! Ya’ll, I mean everywhere! The cans were overflowing…the ground was covered! And….it smelled!
You know me, I went all out telling the world about the condition of the Car Wash.
First, I sent pictures to Phillip Magee who is now in charge of property clean up. Phillip answered me in a very timely manner…informing me that someone is hired to clean the area once a week. Well, I told Phillip apparently once a week is not enough.
Interestingly, the person in charge of cleaning up the car wash called me. Get this, what you see in these pictures is “one” day’s trash!!! One day…can you believe that! The young man does go everyday but was unable to come Wednesday morning and planned to come later in the day.
The place has become a dumping ground. The guy told me he had 3 deer carcasses dumped one time. There is medical waste, human waste, drug paraphernalia, and plain old junk!
My talk with the guy in charge was eye opening. Who in the world feels they can go on a businesses’ property and dump their garbage?
Not only are they dumping trash etc, they are tearing up the place. Repairs are constantly required.
Sounds to me, some cameras are needed! Hopefully, our police will make this a check-point every night. (The people are not washing their vehicle . They are coming in through the back drive way which is the exit from the car wash!)
If you are in that area, keep an eye out for anyone dumping garbage. This is not the dump!
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