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City Pool Closing For Good!

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The Magee Board of Alderman voted Tuesday night, February 20th, to officially close the city of Magee’s swimming pool. “The pool was built in the early ’60 and has served the city well,” according to Alderman Lane Steele.

“There’s a leak in the pool and we can’t even get someone to come and fix it,” stated Mayor Berry. City maintenance has determined the leak is possibly in the deep area of the pool under all the concrete.

The city lost money during the last few years the pool was in operation. Although making money was not the goal of providing a pool, losing money continually plus now more repairs needed led the alderman to their decision.

The cost of insurance on the pool is $5,000 per year.

The city Maintenance Department will fill-in the area.

(Sue Note: If anyone has pictures from their years at the pool, please email to


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