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Board of Supervisors Recap

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Simpson County Board of Supervisors met Monday, April 2, 2018.

Donnie Caughman along with members from Keep Magee Beautiful and Keep Mendenhall Beautiful meet before the Board of Supervisors to inform dates for clean up in their areas. City Clean up in Braxton is scheduled for April 14th. City of Mendenhall is scheduled for May 5, and the City of Magee is set for May 12th.

Ben Warren, Road Foreman, advised status on Bridge Closures. During inspection 18 bridges had been closed. Work has been completed on 12 of the bridges. Three bridges are being worked on presently. One bridge is awaiting state aide, Two bridges will be replaced with culverts. Warren also advised board about trash that was being dumped on Sofa Road. Removal of trash is underway and an investigation into who might be responsible for the illegal dumping.

Board approved the purchase of two loaders at state contract price of $7,521.38 each and two root grapples at state contract price $3,685.90 each for the new John Deer tractors.

Dale Berry, Mayor for Magee, met with the board to discuss inmate use and charge. The board determined to charge municipalities within the county a charge of $10.00 per day for use of the inmates.  In addition, the county would no longer provide recreation grants to the cities in exchange for the cost to house the additional inmates.

Simpson County Sheriff requested hiring Amanda Weathersby as a full time non certified dispatcher. Requests to move Michael Shane Steele from part-time non-certified dispatcher to part-time certified dispatcher, a request to move Crystal Scarborough from full -time non certified dispatcher to full time certified dispatcher, and a request to hire part-time non-certified dispatcher Tara Wright were made by the Sheriff.    The Sheriff requested to send Molly Shotts and Amanda Weathersby to IAED Basic Communications Course in Hazlehurst on April 16-20, 2018 at a cost of $395 per person. The Sheriff requested permission to renew OMNIGO software at a cost of $12,951.00. All request were granted.  The board tabled a decision to purchase new SI500 body Worn Camera Digital Evidence Management Solutions for a period of 3 years until until next board meeting so that more information could be provided and determined if the item is on state contract.

Two bids were received for the purchasing of a garbage truck chassis. Bids were taking under advisement and County Administrator Rhuel Dickerson will determine the cheapest and best bid.

With no further business, the meeting was recessed until next scheduled meeting April 16, 2018.



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