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Board of Supervisors Meeting Recap

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Simpson County Board of Supervisors met Monday, April 4, 2016 at 9:00 am.

February minutes were approved.

Buddy Woolverton, County Engineer gave his report

  1. Annual Maintenance Inspection is scheduled for May 25th & 26th, 2016.
  2. LBP-64(20) – Matt Lee Road (Bridge) – received executed contract from State Aid. Will issue notice to process
  3. STP/BR-0064(22)B – Cox Road – P.S.& E. Assembly mailed to Sate Aid on July 28, 2015 Awaiting Funding.
  4. SAP-64(17) S – Roads “A” – “F” (Resurfacing) Zion Hill Road; Cooper Road; Siloam Road; Airport Road; Goodwater Road; Hopewell Road; & Jupiter Road – P.S.& E. Assembly was mailed to Sate Aid on March 28, 2016. Need letter stating no hazardous mailboxes in right-of way of these roads.
  5. SAP-64(63) – Heed-Neely Road (Bridge) – Have started preliminary survey work, and geothechnical boring.

J M Hooker , Road Manager gave his report:

  1. Road Mangers Monthly report for approval
  2. Easement/Brenda Walker/Clean out creek so water will flow through culvert.
  3. Easement/Truitt Barnard/Cut dead tree.
  4. Easement/William Rankin/Bury dead horse.

Sheriff Donald O’Cain gave the sheriff report:

  1. Request to move Billy Funchess from part time to full time.
  2. Hire Full Time Detention Officer John Calhoun.
  3. Mendenhall Police Department has asked for 4 olds style radios to be donated to them from sheriff office.
  4. Authorize and close out Jag Grant to collect where 5 computers were purchased .

Ruhel Dickinson, County Administrator, gave his report:

  1. Approve the certification letter to the Office of Sate Aid Road Construction, Mississippi Department of Transportation, stating that there no hazardous mailboxes on the right-of-way, as of April 4, 2-16, for Project Number SAP-64(17)S – Roads “a” – “f”.
  2. Approve the application for the City of Magee for a matching grant form the Peal River Basin Development District for completion of the splash pad at the Magee Sportsplex or the relighting of the city park.
  3. Consider the pest control proposals received on March 15: Approval of Terminix as the lowest bid at $535 per month to spray all of the county building plus $250 per quarter to spray the voting precincts for a total of $7,950 per year. Approval of Interpest, Inc. as the lowest bid for annual termite spraying for the county building at $2,440.00 per year.
  4. Consider the request to purchase three loads of screened asphalt milling from J & L Enterprise for Skiffer Park Road at $37.80 per yard, approximately 42 yards $1,587.60, to be picked up by the County Dump Truck. Discussing was made and voted to look at Delta Construction in Flowood.
  5. Declare 4 new :old-style” radios to be surplus and not usable by the Sheriff’s Office and authorize the donation of 2 Motorola Mobile Radios and 2 Motorola Handheld Radios to the City of Mendenhall as requested in accordance with Section 31-7-13(m) (vi).
  6. Approve the renewal of membership in the National Association of County Administrators for Rhuel Dickinson to represent Simpson County in the amount of $75.00.
  7. Consider the purchase of a new road-side rotary cutter from Mississippi Ag State Contract Pricing of $16,671.75 for a John Deer CX15 FLX Wing 540 or $13,994.25 for a John Deer CX15 10 Foot Cutter. Voted to purchase the 10 foot cutter.
  8. Consider the cab protection package for the 2 John Deer Tractor Lease Purchase Tractors.
  9. Consider the Deed Restriction and Environmental Covenant Agreement for the former Magnetek facility.
  10. Approve applicable travel, registration, lodging, meals for:
  11. Kim Jackson to attend the Justice Court Clerks Spring Conference sponsored by the Mississippi Judicial College in Tunica, MS, May 12-14, 2016.
  12. Rhuel Dickinson, Eric Bowen at $45.00 each and Tommy Joe Harvey at $0 to attend the joint Chancery Clerks and County Administrator/Comptrollers Spring Educational Workshop in Jackson on April 26 & 27, 2016/.
  13. Authorize the claims and immediate issuance of checks for the following:
  14. High Ground Solutions, Inc. for the renewal of the Rapid Cast Notification System agreement in the amount of $4,000.00.
  15. Acknowledge and record in the board minutes:
  16. As requested, I spoke to Allen Maddox at the Simpson County School District about the condition of driveways for school bus turnarounds prior to approval and that a driveway must be up to standards prior to our acceptance.
  17. Simpson County Park Commission Financial Report of February 2016.

Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (2) new and used single axle dump trucks @10:00 am

Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (1) one new & used tandem dump truck @ 10:00 am

Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (1) new & used Axle Aluminum live floor refuse transport semi trailer @ 10:00 am.

No further business meeting recessed to go into executive session.

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