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Board Approves Hiring of Assistant County Fire Coordinator

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Simpson County Board of Supervisors approved to hire Phillip Magee as Assistant Fire Coordinator for Simpson County at a rate of $500.00 per month during the February 4, 2019 meeting.  Fire Coordinator Charlie Valadie met before the board requesting the board to hire Magee as his assistant due to the workload required for the position.

Charles Baldwin, Tax Assessor noted all 2-year property taxes that were past due have been paid.

Buddy Woolverton County Engineer reminded bids would be opened February 15, 2019 at 9:00 am for the SAP-64(15) – Saratoga Sharon Road Bridge rehabilitation.

The board approved to change the location of the Magee 4 South voting Precinct from the Magee Community house at 115 1st Ave. NW, to the Magee Civic Center at 117 1st Ave NW, Magee, MS 3911. The board will have to obtain an agreement from the City of Magee for the location change and then file with the Secretary of States Offices before any change would be made official.

The board approved the Comprehensive Four-year Road and bridge Inspections Plan for 2019-2022.

The board approved the annual certification of Road and Bridge Inspections by each Supervisor and annual certification of jail inspections by each supervisor.

The board approved the proclamation of local emergency issued on January 28, 2019, for the anticipated dangerous snow and ice storm on the earl morning of January 29, 2019, and the closing of the Simpson County Administrative Offices from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.

In the Sheriff’s report, the board approved to pay Mississippi Sheriff Association 2019 dues in the amount of $1000.00.

Board approved Deputy Kevin Freeman and Deputy Randy Moore to attend Harrison County Law Enforcement Academy, Felicia Hamilton to attend TAC for full time certification dispatch.

The following salaries were approved for the Sheriff’s department: Jeanette Barnes increase form non certified $10.50 to certified part time jail $12.15; Cedrick C Crosby increase from part-time $10.50 to certified full-time jail $12.75; Cambree McClullum increase from part-time $10.50 to certified part-time jail $12.15; Michael Schuler increase from full-time $12.15 to certified full-time jail $12.75; Lavalllin Skiffer from full-time $12.15 certified full-time jail $12.75; Amanda Warren increase part-time $10.50 to part-time certified jail $12.15; Brainna Williams increase part-time $10.50 to part-time certified jail $12.15; Mark James increase from full-time certified $12.75 to full-time Corporal Jail $13.00; Bruce Rosse increase from  full-time $12.75 to full time Corporal jail $13.00; Ed Hartwig increase from full-time $12.75 to full-time Corporal Jail $13.00; Penny Lofton increase from full-time $12.75 to Sergeant with Bachelor degree (jail) $14.35; Diahanna Perkins new hire non-certified part-time jail $10.50; and Carolyn Bail new hire, non-certified part-time jail $10.50.

Identification & Proof of Publication to purchase supplies and material to repair public roads in Simpson County was opened at 10:00 am. Three bids were submitted from Vance Brothers, Oddee Smith Construction, and Grant Blakeney. All bids will be examined by County Administrator.

No further business meeting was recessed until February 15, 2019.

A video of meeting is attached below.

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