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Ben Berch Named Fireman of the Year

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Fireman James Fortenberry, 2020 Fireman of the Year, had the pleasure of reveling the 2021 Fireman of the Year Ben Berch.

Ben was recognized for his willingness to learn and to be instructed.  The honor is awarded to the fireman who shows above and beyond love and dedication for the department.

The Magee Volunteer Fire Department held their annual Fire Banquet Thursday night, October 14, 2021 at Berry Seafood.  The banquet is a time to recognize and honor the accomplishments of the Magee Volunteer Fire Department.

Fireman David Craft paid tribute to the wives and family members of the department.  Each fireman gave his wife or guest a red rose.


The officers for 2021-2022 are :  Fire Marshal-Charlie Valadie; 

Chaplin-James Fortenberry; Secretary-Philip Allan; Parliamentarian-Weston Neely; Rescue Lt-Michael Allan; Lt 2-Michael Reuben Koehn; 

Lt-John Hosey; Rescue Captain -Shane Steele; Capt 2-Toney Puckett; Captain -David Craft; Assistant Chief-Phillip Magee; and Chief-Lane Steele.

The Magee Fire Department had a total of 252 in house training hours which equals 8.4 hours per active member.

Seven members completed the Volunteer Certification Level 1 at the Mississippi Fire Academy.  The group had 88 hours per member for a total of 616 hours.  Firemen who completed the certification was Ben Berch, Tate Clayburn, Matt Harrison, Fowler Perry, Ricky Slade, Hunter Steele, and James Drew Womack.

Total hours trained was 867 which averages to 28.9 hours per member of training.

Fireman Shane Steele reported fire call information.  Magee Fire Department responded to 190 fire call for a total of 1004 man hours  spent on the scene which averages 30.42 hour per firefighter.  The heaviest call load is on Saturday with 41 calls.  The lightest call load was Wednesdays with 21 calls through out the year.

Fire fighters who responded to 50% or greater of the fire calls :  Reuben Koehn (50%), Mark Parker (54%), John Hosey (55%), Shane Steele (69%), Phillip Magee (83%), and Ben Berch (89%).

Fire Matt Harrison and his mother


Fireman Mark Parker presenting his wife with a red rose

The top percentage in Fire Call attendance was Lane Steele with 94.74% or 180 out of 190 calls.

Meeting Attendance:  The following fire fighters made 75% or better in meeting attendance:  Michael Allan (75%), Reuben Koehn (75%), Patrick Zila (75%), John Hosey (79%), David Craft (79%), Mark Parker (83%), Tommy Horan (83%), Paes Fortenberry (83%), Philip Allan (83%), Shane Little (88%), Shane Steele (92%), and Weston Neely (96%).

Firemen: Patrick Zila, Michael Allan, Ben Berch, David Craft, John Hosey, and Chief Lane Steele

The following fire fighters made 100% attendance for the year:

Lane Steele-who has a total of 33 years of perfect attendance;

Phillip Magee-who has 13 years of perfect attendance; and Ben Berch.

Fire fighters who attend 50% or greater of both meeting and fire calls were recognized and presented a gift from PriorityOne Bank.  Seven firemen achieved this goal:  Ben Berch, John Hosey, Reuben Koehn, Phillip Magee, Mark Parker, Shane Steele, and Lane Steele.

BJ and Susan Smith. BJ has 25 years with the Magee Volunteer Department

Michael Allen was recognized for 5 years of service; Tony Puckett for 25 years of service; and BJ Smith for 25 years of service.



Philip and Jean Allan
Always a special guest at the banquet is Mrs. Nadine Steele mother of Chief Lane Steele.
Swayze Tuggle (on left) accepted the retirement plaque for her father Chris Tuggle who is retiring after 20 years. Paisley Magee, daughter of Fireman Phillip Magee, attended the banquet with her father. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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