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Being Thankful

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By Rv. Richard Kight

Today have you told God what you are thankful for! I am thankful the salvation that Jesus have given us free of charge! Our Devotion today comes from 1st Chronicles 16:11. Seek the Lord and His strength seek his continually. This verse tells us three things to keep us on the straight and narrow in living for Christ! The first thing we must do is seek the Lord Jesus Christ all the time! Next we must seek the strength of Jesus. Search! For Jesus everyday and the day we will find Him! Don’t ever stop in searching Jesus! Pray without stopping! He will always be our friend! Stay in Touch with Jesus everyday!

Jesus wants us to have a clean path to out freedom in Him! We can find Christ in looking for our salvation. We can our find thoughts ( clean ones ), words ( clean ones ), desires, and findings as well. Please let this week be your victory! Have a blessed and awesome week! See you at the House! is an online news website covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the state of Mississippi.

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