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Auditor’s Office Releases Report on the Cost of Illegal Immigration to Taxpayers

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 JACKSON, Miss. – Illegal immigration is hurting Mississippi taxpayers according to a new report released today by State Auditor Shad White.

“Mississippi’s illegal immigration problem is spiraling out of control and is costing taxpayers millions,” said State Auditor Shad White. “Our public schools, hospitals, and prisons will continue to lose massive sums of money that we could have spent on our own citizens if this problem is not solved.”

Analysts from the Office of the State Auditor estimate that there are at least 22,000 illegal immigrants currently living in Mississippi. Using conservative estimates, analysts then estimated that illegal immigration costs Mississippi taxpayers over $100 million annually.


The report shows spending on education, healthcare, and public safety drives this cost. Mississippi taxpayers annually pay around:

The full report titled “How Illegal Immigration Hurts Taxpayers” can be found on the “Reports” tab on the Auditor’s website and searching “immigration.” is the online source for news and views in Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi

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