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Alderman Adopt New Budget

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Magee Board of Alderman met Tuesday, September 14, 2021.

The board adopted and approved the new budget that was presented. The budget will include a 1% raise for all city employees. The budget is set at 26 mills. 22 mills going toward general fund and 4 toward street fund.

Mayor Berry reminded the public limb debris pickup is for small items and not large trees that have been cut and hauled to curb. Any contractor doing work for debris removal must have a permit from the city and is responsible for the removal of debris.

The city is advertising for the job opening replacing Dina Mosley in the front office. Applications are being accepted through the 22nd of the month.

The city has a possible buyer for the old police department building. The property was declared surplus so they city can sale the building. An appraisal is being acquired and any action will be discussed and made at a future board meeting.

Bart Ballard with Guest Engineering met with the board to discuss repairs that could be made to the bridge between the old elementary and Magee High School. The sidewalks on the side or not usable. The repairs could run close to $50,000. The board tabled any action until Mr. Ballard is able to obtain actual estimate so the board would know how to move forward.

The board is awaiting information on a storm pipe located at the old elementary location that is eroding. The cost and best solution to replace the pipe is being investigation and finding will be reported back to the board.

The board approved to lowest bid from Trustmark National Bank for 1.75% interest to purchase a new Backhoe.

Two employment positions were presented to the board for possible hires in the public works department. The board tabled the decision to next board meeting to have time and research employees.

With no further business the meeting was recessed to enter executive session. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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