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Airport, Parks & Rec, and Water discussed at Aldermen Workshop

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City of Magee Board of Aldermen held a workshop Tuesday, January 30, 2024 beginning at 4:30 PM.  The workshop involved three areas in the city:  Airport, Parks and Recreation, and water. 

The Board has authorized the appointing of an Airport Commission to oversee activities at the Airport.  All commission members have not been appointed.  The commission meets monthly or as needed.  Joe McNulty will serve as President,  Larry Partridge as Vice President, and Susie Bourn as Secretary.  Dusty Drennan, Benny Hubbard, and Rudy Runnels are commission members with the naming of other commission member to be appointed.  Several commission members are volunteering their time to make needed repairs at the Airport. 

Jimmy Zilla came before the Board with questions concerning the charging of teams (not city league) who practice on fields at the Sportsplex.  Zilla pointed out that it is not the money but the accountability needed.  The Board agreed to a charge of $500 per season per team unless 50% of the team is composed of area youth.  The charge will be $250 for teams who meet the regulations for local youth.  Jimmy will continue work on a long range plan for the Sportsplex.  Baseball starts March 1st.  Youth may register at City Hall for the program.

Steve Womack of Clearwater Solutions, who is contracted with management of the city water, and Forrest Dugan of Clear Point Conservative Engineering, who is the city engineer, came before the board with a report on the lagoon.Two cells are in operation at the lagoon at this time.  One cell is 6 acres and the other 9 acres.  Aeration of the cells are needed.  Womack and Dungan are to report at the February 20, 2024 meeting with a plan to bring the lagoons into compliance.

Automatic water meters  (AMR) are planned for the city.  These meters automatically collect consumption, diagnostic, and statue data from the water meter and transfers that date to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing.  These meter will allow real-time consumption rather than estimates on predicted consumption.  Although the change is costly, the saving to the city in correct usage of water will help in offsetting  the difference.

Mrs. Jean Allen brought her concerns of the condition of the water at her home located on Kennedy Drive. The water has a blue color as well as an odor.  Mr. Womack has visited the Allen home and feels the problem is in the pipes from city to house.  Steve will continue to work with Mrs. Allen to seek a solution.  Not all homes on Kennedy Drive have this issue but other homes are dealing with this problem.

The next City of Magee Board of Aldermen meeting is Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

(Workshops are not live streamed by  The February 6th meeting will be live streamed. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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