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Agriculture Commissioner Andy Gipson Encourages Public to Submit Comments on Yazoo Area Pump Project

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Agriculture Commissioner Andy Gipson Encourages Public to Submit Comments on
Yazoo Area Pump Project

JACKSON, Miss. – Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson is encouraging the public to submit comments of support for the completion of the Yazoo Area Pump Project to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The deadline to submit comments is Monday, November 30, 2020.

“We’ve seen the devastation that the backwater flooding has caused to Mississippi agriculture, farmers, ranchers and wildlife for years now, unnecessarily. The solution is simple, we need to finish the Yazoo Pump Project, which would prevent flood damage to urban and agricultural areas throughout the state for years to come. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently accepting comments from citizens through Monday, November 30, on the Yazoo Area Pump Project, and I encourage all Mississippians to take a moment and submit a comment of support,” said Commissioner Gipson. “We need to stand up for our friends in the Mississippi South Delta and help them in their time of need. It’s time to finish the pumps.”

The public can submit comments by texting PUMPS to 50457, visiting, filling out a postcard at one of the specified locations listed below, emailing or sending a letter directly to the Vicksburg District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ office.

The Vicksburg District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office is located at 4155 East Clay Street in Vicksburg, Mississippi, 39183. Postcards can be found and submitted at Valley Park Elevator in Valley Park; Lo-Sto and Yore Convenience Store in Eagle Lake; Mississippi Ag Company and Chuck’s Dairy Bar in Rolling Fork; Mississippi Levee Board and Sherman’s Restaurant in Greenville; Toney’s Grill in Vicksburg; and the Mississippi Delta Council in Stoneville.

Postcards from these locations will be collected on Saturday, November 28. Comments sent in via mail, email, text or online are due by Monday, November 30. For more information, visit

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