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In my opinion, October 22, 2016 Crazy Day was the “prettiest” day we have ever had…and I’ve been to every Crazy Day since the very first one! The cool weather allowed for a “sweat free” shopping day…and an awesome night under the stars at the Ural Everett Park. Mustache the Band was awesome! Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for all the work that went into the production of Crazy Day. I don’t know if ya’ll are aware, but the board members arrive at 4:00 AM on the big day….and continued until around 10 PM!
The city of Magee crew did a fabulous job in preparing the Ural Everett park for the event. The brick walls were power washed…the flower beds featured beautiful mums. If you have not “walked” into the park…well, you need to. The Ural Everett Park is a gem…almost a hidden gem. Students from all over the county have their senior pictures made in the park.
Most of our readers are aware that the park was originally a movie theatre owned by Mrs. Ural Everett for many many years! When the theatre closed years ago, the ceiling fell in…a tree grew up in the middle of the building and out the top of the building. The area was a mess and a blight to our downtown. Eventually, the city received ownership of the building and the Ural Everett Park was “born.”
Please “watch” the park! We need everyone’s eyes on that park to keep the area from being vandalized.
Dash for Cash sponsored by Peoples Bank was well attended…there were runners everywhere!
The booths on Main provided everything for anyone….softball tournament…tennis tournament…bands…the day just kept on rolling!
Again, thanks to everyone who came and shopped in Magee.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!