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284 New COVID -19 Cases for Mississippi

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Today MSDH is reporting 284 new cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi and 12 new deaths. Forty-seven of these new cases were among residents in long-term care facilities. The number of Mississippians currently hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 infection has risen by 4 to 405. Mississippi’s total COVID-19 cases since March 11 now stands at 5,718, with 221 deaths.

Mississippi COVID-19 Case Map

This map and the following table show total cases in Mississippi as of 6 p.m. April 24, 2020, and include all reported cases since March 11, 2020.

An interactive version of this case map is also available: View interactive Mississippi case map »

About our case counts: We currently update our map and statistics each morning with test results from the previous day. Outside laboratories also report positive test results to us, which are included in our totals.

County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information.

Mississippi COVID-19 Cases to Date

Table of total cases, deaths, and cases in long-term care (LTC) facilities since March 11, 2020. This includes nursing homes, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, personal care homes, assisted living facilities, long-term acute care facilities, and psychiatric or chemical dependency residential treatment centers. This table now lists the number of cases in long-term care facilities, and not the number of facilities with outbreaks.

County Total Cases Total Deaths Total Cases in LTC Facilities
Adams 109 7 17
Alcorn 9 0 0
Amite 23 0 1
Attala 80 0 14
Benton 9 0 0
Bolivar 94 7 13
Calhoun 48 3 22
Carroll 15 1 0
Chickasaw 56 4 16
Choctaw 13 1 0
Claiborne 18 0 0
Clarke 44 3 9
Clay 32 2 0
Coahoma 54 2 1
Copiah 68 1 1
Covington 45 0 0
Desoto 263 4 1
Forrest 181 7 16
Franklin 16 1 0
George 11 1 0
Greene 4 1 0
Grenada 27 0 14
Hancock 59 5 7
Harrison 158 6 1
Hinds 412 7 11
Holmes 100 5 24
Humphreys 14 3 1
Itawamba 33 1 13
Jackson 237 6 38
Jasper 32 1 0
Jefferson 8 0 0
Jefferson Davis 22 1 0
Jones 116 0 9
Kemper 40 0 1
Lafayette 87 3 31
Lamar 85 2 0
Lauderdale 284 19 67
Lawrence 30 0 1
Leake 149 1 0
Lee 72 5 4
Leflore 131 15 27
Lincoln 136 8 45
Lowndes 41 2 2
Madison 186 5 10
Marion 57 5 13
Marshall 41 2 0
Monroe 123 9 49
Montgomery 18 1 0
Neshoba 119 2 1
Newton 58 0 1
Noxubee 45 0 1
Oktibbeha 46 3 6
Panola 36 2 0
Pearl River 148 14 28
Perry 25 1 0
Pike 133 5 8
Pontotoc 18 2 1
Prentiss 29 1 18
Quitman 14 0 0
Rankin 162 5 5
Scott 240 0 8
Sharkey 4 0 0
Simpson 38 0 2
Smith 58 3 18
Stone 22 0 0
Sunflower 51 2 0
Tallahatchie 11 1 0
Tate 38 0 1
Tippah 51 7 0
Tishomingo 7 0 0
Tunica 34 1 12
Union 14 1 1
Walthall 27 0 0
Warren 45 2 0
Washington 77 3 4
Wayne 19 0 0
Webster 16 1 0
Wilkinson 68 7 5
Winston 38 0 0
Yalobusha 17 0 0
Yazoo 120 1 0
Total 5,718 221 599

The numbers in this table are provisional. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information about residence.

Long-Term Care Facility Cases and Deaths

Long-term care (LTC) facilities like nursing homes are considered high risk locations because their residents are older or in poor health. Even one case of COVID-19 in these facilities among residents or employees is considered an outbreak. We investigate residents, staff and close contacts of infected individuals for possible exposure.

Mississippi Cases and Deaths by Race

Interactive Charts

All our trends and data charts are now now available in interactive form.

Trends and Summary Data

The charts below are based on available data at the time of publication. Charts do not include cases where insufficient details of the case are known.

Note: Values up to two weeks in the past on the Date of Illness Onset chart above can change as we update it with new information from disease investigation.

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