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Disagreement Over Road Work @ August 15, 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting

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The August 15, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting was called to order by Board President Mitchell Chatman followed by prayer led by Charles Funchess and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chancery Clerk Tim Gray asked that the Board minutes acknowledge and record proof of publication:



Dr. Dewayne Middleton, President of Copiah-Lincoln Community College, thanked the Board for the support shown to the Simpson Co-Lin Campus.Middleton informed the Board and public that Co-Lin has one of the lowest tuitions in this part of the state.  “Co-Lin is a great opportunity to further education.  Dollars go farther at a junior college,” stated Dr. Middleton.

County engineer Greg Bounds reported on the status with road and bridge projects. The Star Brandon Road project is almost complete but has required an additional $2,000 for concrete  work.

Road manager Ben Warren stated his appreciation to his road crews.  “They have been working in 115 degree heat. “  A discussion concerning a replacement or repair of a county tractor which is broken.  The cost to repair the tractor is around $8,000.  The Board asked Mr. Warren to check on prices on a new tractor.  The Board did not want to spend that much money on a repair. 

Shay McNeil of the Tax  Assessors office requested a pay raise for Kendra Lee who has completed her probation period.  The Board approved the request.

Sheriff Paul Mullins gave the following report.  The request were approved.


Eric Bowen gave the following report:


Board attorney Danny Welch discussed lease agreement and the liability insurance that is required.

Jeremey Bolton  gave an update on a request to purchase asphalt from a Jackson firm.  The firm is under new management.

The meeting was adjourned for an executive session.


 is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi and beyond.




Sue note:  I am so sorry for the mix up on the filming.  Completely my fault.

Although  you can not see the picture well, the sound is good at the end of the

video where the exchange between Mitchell Chatman and Ben Warren took place.(Beginning around 36.8)

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